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Grammarly Review - Your Best English Grammar Teacher

Did you know whether you are writing a book crafting a professional email or submitting a paper having a professional proofreading software can be a lifesaver?

But with so many different editing and proofreading software out there, which one do you think gives you the biggest bang for your hard-earned bucks?

And at the same time, do you think a free online spell and grammar checker is good enough to craft a professional-looking project?

And at the same time, are you looking for one of the best plagiarism checkers online to see if your content is plagiarized by someone else?

Well, in this post, I’m exactly going to find out and show you if Grammarly, the most popular grammar checker and proofreading software in the world, is right for you, what it exactly is and what it can do for you, and how it can save you your copyrighted content.

What is the difference between the free version and the premium version, and if it is good enough to trust with your professional projects to go even beyond and make it even more professional?

And as a secret, I will tell you how I use Grammarly in my daily life and my work projects and how it has saved me a lot of time recorrecting my own grammar mistakes that I do daily to make my English writing better than ever before and also to make sure you guys can understand what I’m trying to say to you through my content especially on this website.

So to start things off, I want to say you guys something that I hid for such a long time from you guys, and that’s;

Warning: Secret alert ;]

Grammarly is the only and my favorite proofreading software and grammar checker I use in my daily life, whether it be posting on social media daily or in my professional work, writing down, and creating blog posts for you guys, not gonna lie, believe me, or not.


It not only helps to check and monitor my online writing on social media and my website, and even online forums but also allows me to check my video scripts sometimes if I do create any scripts.
Grammarly does it by using three different tools.

First, they have their cool Grammarly browser extension, which protects me whenever creating or writing something online, whether it be a YouTube comment or just a forum post or even captioning something on my social media as well as when I’m sending emails to my clients and business partners which should be top-notch to look professional in the first place.


They also have the Microsoft Word and Outlook plugins which work on both platforms Windows and Mac for Microsoft Word, but Outlook only is being supported on Windows for now, so that you can also check your documents for grammar errors and for a proofread and this is miles better than the MS Word’s spell checker which is something that I don’t trust anyways ;]


And what’s better is that they now support all four major Operating Systems Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

The-Grammarly-Keyboard-Android The-Grammarly-Keyboard-i-OS

And also, they have their downloadable software named Grammarly Personal Editor, which you can download for free as well without any malware.


And at the same time, they also have the online version, which can be accessed by your internet browser, which comes in handy to log onto pretty quick if you are working on different computers when working.


You can use it to type your documents, notes, papers, and even books if you are a writer.
You can also copy and paste documents into it or even drag and drop them into Grammarly.

Inside the downloadable software or in the online browser version, you can also organize your documents, as you want them to stay organized well.

And hopefully, which will for sure increase your productivity without you having to find the needed document one by one, which is a real lifesaver, especially when working on a larger number of projects at the same time.

Now, Grammarly comes in two different versions, Free and Premium.

With the free version, you get access to the browser extension, the MS Word and Outlook plugin, the downloadable Personal Editor on Grammarly software.


Inside the downloadable Personal Editor or the Online Editor, you can check for definitions and synonyms and get access to over 150 different critical spelling rules to review, which will do well if you are someone like me who skipped some school grammar lessons or even is new to the English Language.

You’ll also get your writing performance stats via email, which helps you further track and improve your grammar knowledge. It’s better than your English personal teacher. Trust me.

With the Premium plan, you get access to all of that plus an extra 150+ more critical grammar and spelling checks meaning Grammarly is a lot better at its job.


You also get vocabulary enhancement suggestions, genre-specific writing style checks, which is super important if you love to write in a specific writing style because everyone is, of course, not the same.

You also get access to Grammarly’s automatic plagiarism detecting system, which scans for over 16 billion web pages on the internet.

And that is super important if you want to keep an eye out for those copy cats everywhere on the entire internet who will steal your content and use them as theirs.

Now, who might be asking me, well, if Grammarly gives you all of these super useful and fantastic features, how much does it cost?

Well, as the name suggests, the Free version which is available for every one of you in this world is for Free of charge, of course;]

But if you are someone like me who always aims and strives to reach the next level, whether it’s for your personal goals, school, or other life ventures, then that’s when Grammarly Premium comes in handy.

So, what does the Premium version cost?

Well, there are three plans that Grammarly has made to make sure their service is affordable to everyone in the entire world.

If you like to go for a monthly plan, you got the option to either go for a $29.95 a month,

Or suppose you love to go for a quarterly schedule. In that case, you can go for quarterly for $19.98 per quarter of a year, which is billed as one payment of $59.95, or if you love to go for an annual plane while saving some extra cash on hand, you can go for their yearly plan which is the best value and something I go for which is for $11.66 per month billed as one payment of $139.95.

So the question is, should you go for Grammarly Premium?

Well, if you are trying to stop hiring a professional human proofreader or an editor or a grammar checker, especially for your professional life, to cut out the fees, then stop, do not do that.


Because of any software out there, can-do mistakes than any other professional human being on the planet no matter what, but if you are starting or want to improve your English for free or for the least possible amount of money and don’t have the money to hire a professional proofreader or a grammar checker for every single one of your documents at the same time want to same some money,

Then, this is where Grammarly comes in handy and shines because Grammarly is the best way to go currently for the least amount of money possible to improve your English writing skills grammar mistakes.

And at the end of the day, I’m a huge fan of Grammarly for 2 years now.

And, to be honest, straight forward, I would go for the Premium version because it catches a lot of mistakes than the free version.

At the same time, it gives you a lot of suggestions as well in the Premium version which, when compared to the free version, is better, especially to take your English grammar and writing skills to the next level.

Plus added the extra features that you get with the Premium version is well worth it.

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