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iRobot Roomba i7+ Review - Best Smart Vacuum Cleaner Robot Money Can Buy in 2020?

iRobot has dropped a new fantastic robot to its lineup in the name of iRobot Roomba i7 plus with a cleaning base.

So, in this post, going to dig deeper to find out what this bad boy can offer to its lovely owners?

So, First up, in case you didn’t know, Roomba is iRobot’s lineup for smart vacuum cleaners.

Some previous Roomba vacuum cleaner robots in the lineup were smart vacuums that can be programmable and clean your floors, including carpet, wood, or tile, automatically. In contrast, some of the newer ones offer Smart App controls, which is pretty cool.

iRobot has made some significant advancements to its new boy to the smart vacuum cleaner family, the Roomba i7+.

The most significant tremendous change is that the Roomba can now self-empty itself, which will save you a lot of your valuable time.

The new Roomba i7+ is available with a special dock containing a dustbin. Anytime the Roomba is full, it will head back to its base station and automatically empty itself, which is a significant time-saver feature.

While the previous generation iRobot Roomba did have mapping capabilities and the intelligence to learn the way around your house, the new generation has made some significant technological advancements this time, which is pretty insane.

The iRobot Roomba i7+ robot now learns quicker, creating a detailed map of your house, and once it gets to know where the walls and the obstacles are, it will create a much more intelligent purposeful cleaning pattern. Simultaneously, the previous versions of iRobot Roomba were far more random, which was hard to deal with when using them.

Also, on this version, the onboard dust container is now washable though you need to swap a new filter.

In the box

Inside the box is the iRobot Roomba i7+ vacuum and the charging station base, a chord, and an accessory box where you would be able to find two bags for the dustbin, an extra filter, a spare corner or edge sweeping brush, and a lighthouse, which lets you place virtual barriers.

Setting up

Setting things up with the iRobot Roomba i7+ is relatively more straightforward than you might think.

First, you need to download the iRobot Home App and then sign in to your account, or if you don’t have one, you can always sign up for a new one as always.

Then you let your iRobot Roomba i7+ charge fully and then connect to it via your App, which is pretty easy to do, of course.

And one thing to note is that when placing the base station, you would want a comfortable access spot free from barriers and obstructions so that the robot vacuum cleaner can quickly come back home without messing around to find its way back home.

Then you put the robot to pairing mode by pressing and holding the Home and Spot Clean buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds; then you will hear a tone and see a glowing blue ring around the clean button, confirming that the robot is now in pairing mode and is generating a WIfi SSID for you to identify and connect to it easily.

The head to the App and tap the hamburger menu and select add a robot, and the App will walk you through what to do, which is virtually connecting your new robot to your home’s Wi-Fi network.

And one thing to note is that you should keep your iRobot Roomba i7+’s brushes, wheels, and sensors cleaned and free of debris for it to function optimally, and don’t worry, the maintenance info is in your instructions manual.

The sweeping edge brush gets into corners while vacuuming while the front caster wheel lets the vacuum move freely, and the wheel pops out for easy cleaning.

The multi-surface brushes are those two rubber rollers, and they too pop out quickly so you can remove and clean anything that gets tangled up.


The biggest and the most important thing you might be asking me now is, Alright, how do I clean stuff using this smart robot vacuum?

Well, there are several ways that you can clean using the iRobot Roomba i7+.

You can press the clean button on the top of the iRobot Roomba i7+ robot itself, and the robot will power up and head out of the base station for a long-awaited clean.

Or, you can also open up the App and tap the Clean button.

You can also set schedules inside the App, so the robot knows when to clean your house automatically without manually telling him to do it.

You can also set it to do a single clean or even create a weekly routine to make things even more comfortable.

One of the coolest features so far I’ve seen in the App is that you can also let your iRobot Roomba i7+ know which rooms to clean in which days. Still, unfortunately, you do need to wait until your Smart Map is populated to use this feature, which could happen soon if your house is a bit smaller.

To enable the Smart Mapping feature, you’ll need to activate the feature in the iRobot Home App.

To do that, you want to tap on the Smart Maps button in the App’s bottom navigation bar. Then you’ll turn on the feature, and it will automatically smart mapping your house each time it cleans.

It usually takes about 3 to 4 full cleaning runs for it to generate a full Smart Map of your house, but as always, it will depend on the size of your home, meaning the more massive your house is, the more the number of runs it will take to finish aping the entire house.

And what’s even cooler is you can also see an iRobot Roomba i7+ generated 2d map of your house in your App, which is almost the same as your house plan you used to build your home ;]

You can also label the rooms on the map to activate the iRobot Roomba i7+ to clean specific rooms just by asking Google or Alexa to clean those rooms, which will trigger the iRobot Roomba i7+ via your Smart Home Wi-Fi.

You can also set your cleaning preferences, check your cleaning history, or even edit the smart map or track down a room if the iRobot Roomba i7+ is stuck under some furniture piece, which is also a pretty cool feature for the iRobot Roomba i7+.

A new iRobot Roomba i7+ feature is that now you can also control the robot from anywhere in the world.

If you are just on your way back home or is on your way to work, and if you forgot to clean your house, you can use the iRobot Home App to set the iRobot Roomba i7+ to work via a mobile data connection on your phone, which will trigger your robot via your Smart Home Wi-Fi through the App which is a huge lifesaver in case your office mates are coming to your house for a quick visit.

Overall, the App is easy to navigate, easy to understand, and works very well.

Anytime the iRobot Roomba i7+ isn’t cleaning, it will be chilling out on its charging base station, which makes it ready to clean all the time, saving you hours of cleaning.

Once it starts running, the battery lasts about 25 minutes per charge, but don’t worry. Thinking about its battery life per charge cause when its battery gets low on juice, it will automatically head back to its charging base station start charging itself. When the battery is about full, it will resume cleaning.

And when the iRobot Roomba i7+’s onboard dustbin is full, it will automatically head back to the base station. Once it docks, you will be able to hear the base station’s internal vacuum come ON and sucking all the things up from the iRobot Roomba i7+ to the inner garbage bag.

And the internal vacuum in the base station is a bit loud like a typical regular handheld vacuum cleaner, to give you the feeling of someone cleaning the house with a handheld vacuum ;]

And, you’ll never see or touch dirt so that you can keep your hands always clean even when recycling the garbage.

Now, how good is the iRobot Roomba i7+ in cleaning? Isn’t that what you, too, are thinking right now?

Overall, the iRobot Roomba i7+ does an excellent job of cleaning.

Well, of course, it does have some limitations. It does not have the power of a wired vacuum cleaner that you might have used earlier because the iRobot Roomba i7+ is just a handy little Smart Home Vacuum cleaner.

It is a perfect vacuum cleaner, especially for its size and the feature that it offers. So, please don’t expect miracles.

It can clean everything from flour to uncooked rice and cashew nuts to up to considerable-sized crackers.

The iRobot Roomba i7+ also has special sensors built to detect drops and edges to make sure it doesn’t roll down your stairs and destroy itself.

The iRobot Roomba i7+ can also clean floor surfaces from carpets and even shaggy ones up to tiled and wood floors, which will make sure you don’t have to manually vacuum anything yourself after owning one of these bad boys.

It also has a unique mechanism that will keep it from getting tangled up in things like chords and cables and even fabrics, which is also pretty cool.

So should you buy the iRobot Roomba i7+?

The iRobot Roomba i7+ is a cold little Smart Vacuum cleaner that can help clean everything from flour to crackers, even in the hardest to clean surfaces in your house like carpets.

It is also ideal for sweeping the kitchen after a meal or just only getting dry spills swept up, which will come in handy, especially if you have kids in your house.

It also cuts down your cleaning time every week or even every day if you are one of those, and pet owners will love this product, mainly to keep their home surfaces clean from pet hairs and waste.

So, overall, if you are one of those folks who love to keep your house looking nice and tidy every single day from cleaning everything from dust to pet hairs from accumulating in your home every day, the iRobot Roomba i7+ is the Best Smart Vacuum cleaner in the market one could currently own in 2020.

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